Published January 1st, 2002

Sharing Wisdom, Building Values: Letters from Family Business Owners to their Successors


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Sharing Wisdom, Building Values is a valuable collection of personal family letters written from great entrepreneurs to their family members about business, success and life.  Through the words of the notable founders, including Fritz Henkel, Samuel C. Johnson, and Robert Pasin, the inner workings of the family business is revealed.  They offer advice and insights on topics such as sibling rivalry, succession, working through difficult times, and social responsibility.  These letters serve as a window to the past and can help families build upon the future.  Sharing Wisdom, Building Values offers lessons from twenty-four family businesses the world over - not case studies, but words from the heart of the family business leader themselves.

This book teaches us invaluable lessons regarding family business. One of the clearest lessons learned is that while every family business is unique, they also have much in common in terms of challenges and rewards. The authors show us through these personal letters how family firms from the world over can learn mightily from one another, just as each successive generation in a family business learns from their predecessors